It’s time for another business mentoring link fest, where we round up the latest and greatest articles on mentoring. Let’s get to it.
A Mentoring Session for Women Entrepreneurs. We enjoyed reading this article on Entrepreneur.com about a session in Delhi where 15 women entrepreneurs came together to be mentored by industry experts.
- Insightful quote: “Sessions like these have great potential in bringing out the talent that gets hidden behind the veil of sexism.”
Benefits of a Virtual Mentor When Time is Short. If you’re a regular reader of our blog, you know we advocate long-term mentoring relationships (ones that last 9-12 months). But what if you don’t have that sort of time? This is where virtual mentoring can come into play and this article from The Financial Times delves into its benefits.
- Insightful quote: “Others argue the case for virtual mentoring on the basis that electronic communication can be disinhibiting, particularly for introverts.”
Reflections on Mentoring and Leadership. This article in Real Clear Defense discusses the importance of professional mentoring in developing military leaders.
- Insightful quote: “Mentoring is not an ‘easy button’ for the protégé to get that next choice assignment or position, nor is it a cloning factory turning out exact copies of the mentor. It won’t always work perfectly, and it won’t always be linear in its effects. Ultimately, the only people who can judge the effectiveness of a mentoring relationship are the participants, but leaders can temper expectations and set the conditions for success.”
Why Mentoring Others Has Helped Me. It’s easy to think that the mentee benefits most from the mentoring relationship. But in this first person account from The Huffington Post, the author talks about what she—the mentor—has gotten out of the experience.
- Insightful quote: “As a mentor, you are both a leader and a role model for someone else, and that critical role often pushes you to strive for more, to be more helpful, and simply to be the best version of you.”
Mentoring Fosters Confidence for Women in Law. This article from Lawyers Weekly points to the fact that mentoring programs specifically for new women lawyers is extremely important—and effective.
- Insightful quote: “A mentor or network of mentors can assist more junior women to stay in the [profession], as a good mentor should be able to provide advice and encouragement about how to overcome difficulties, how to enjoy work and how to make a career in law work for you.”
The Life-Changing Power of Mentors. We love this piece from The American Psychological Association. In it, you’ll find Q&As with five different psychologists who talk about what they gained from their mentoring relationships.
- Insightful quote: “Mentors help people determine who they want to become, how they must change in order to become these people, and how they can take advantage of their college or work experiences to bring about these changes.”
Have you come across any good articles on mentoring? We want to read them! Share below or on our LinkedIn or Facebook pages.