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Sometimes when pairs have been together for a while, they may feel like they have run out of topics to discuss.  In our workbook Executive Mentoring*, we have a Topical Resources Guide that can assist in stimulating conversation.  What follows is a sample of questions that help explore your mentoree’s relationships within the company.mentoree advancement questions

  • Describe your top 5 relationships within the company that strategically impact your success.
  • What makes these critical for you?
  • Taking each in turn, what are the positive and what are the challenging aspects of each?
  • Which of these, if any, do you wish to further develop and why?
  • What are the one or two specific actions you wish to take to accomplish this?
  • How would you describe your relationship with your immediate manager?
  • What would you like to change about the relationship?
  • What steps can you take to make that change?
  • What is the one idea or strategy that you will implement as a result of today’s discussion?

We hope that these questions will enhance your discussions with your mentoree.

Now your turn! Do you have any other questions that you would recommend?


*Our Executive Mentoring Workbook will be available in January. Stay tuned!

Image Credit: © Flynt |