There’s nothing better for the marketing team at Management Mentors than to have our boss say that he is told time and time again that our website is just chock full of super useful information. I mean, truly, it never gets old! Rock star writing and fabulous graphic designs help to put Rene’s unrivaled mentoring knowledge into easily digestible, FREE RESOURCES FOR YOU!
Besides the writing, the snazzy designs and the hours spent on social media (we get paid for this?!), another part of our job as marketers is analytics (yuck…math….we know!). We use a fabulous marketing software tool called HubSpot for our analytics (shameless plug :-). This week, while analyzing our summer downloads, I was shocked at the number of downloads for specific mentoring white papers we have received. So I thought, “hmmm, I should write a post about our most frequently downloaded free white papers.”
So without further adieu, here are Management Mentors’ most frequently downloaded mentoring white papers (you can also get them by clicking the fun buttons below…and see our marketing degrees at work!):
- Mentoring vs. Coaching
- Corporate Mentoring Models
- 5 Ways Mentoring Can Help Your Company
- 5 Main Benefits to an Online System
- The Well Leveraged Mentoring Program
Do you have a favorite Management Mentors’ resource? We not only enjoy sharing Rene’s knowledge, but we also enjoy reaching out to you on social media, via our blog and our monthly newsletter….We’d love to hear from you!
P.S. The excited people in the photo are not us. We are way too busy working on our next white paper to get together and pose for a photo!
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