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Add Participants


After creating a program, the program manager has to add the participants to the program to initiate the mentoring relationship. You can add the participant(s) in two ways.

  • Add individual participant(s)
  • Import bulk participants

To Add Individual Participant(s):

Prerequisite: Create a Program

Step 1: Navigate to Participants.

Step 2: Click the drop-down menu to select a program.

Step 3: Click + Add Participant.

Step 4: Type the participant details.

Step 5: Select a role and click Submit.

To Import Bulk Participants:

Step 1: Navigate to Participants.

Step 2: Click the drop-down menu to select a program.

Step 3: Click Import Excel.

Step 4: Click Download Excel Template.

Step 5: Type the necessary details in the Excel template and save it.

Step 6: Click Upload to import the bulk participants.

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