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Contact Mentee


After a successful matching, the mentor can view the mentee’s name on the “Home” page. You can contact your mentee through the following ways:

  • Schedule a session
  • Email
  • Email Messages module
  • Chat

To Schedule a Session:

Step 1: On the “Home” page, click Schedule Session Icon.

Step 2: Type the necessary details and click Submit.

Note: The scheduled session integrates with your and mentee’s email and adds to the calendar.

To Send an Email:

Step 1: On the “Home” page, click the mentee’s name.

Step 2: Type the necessary details and click Send Icon.

To Send an Email from the Email Messages module:

Step 1: Navigate to Email Messages.

Step 2: Click the drop-down menu to select a program.

Step 3: Click Send Email Messages.

Step 4: Type the necessary details and click Submit.

You have the chat option on the right side of your screen. It allows you to have a real-time conversation with your mentee.

To Chat with Your Mentee:

Step 1: Click Chat Icon.

Step 2: Select a participant.

Step 3: Type the message and click SEND.

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