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Rolling Admissions


Rolling Admissions is a schedule type in which the program forms are auto-assigned to the participants. The program manager has to enter the starting and ending days while assigning the program forms. The participants can be added and matched throughout the program duration in rolling admissions.

Starting Day in Unmatched Forms:

Forms are auto-assigned once the participants are added to the program, plus the number of days you enter in the starting day field.

For example: If the participants are added to the program on 1st November and the number of days entered in the Starting Day field is 5, then the forms will be available from 6th November.

Ending Day in Unmatched Forms:

Forms are auto-closed from starting day, plus the number of days you enter in the ending day field.

For example: If the participants are added to the program on 1st November and the number of days entered in the Starting Day field is 5, and the number of days entered in the Ending Day field is 20, then the forms will be available from 6th November to 26th November.

Starting Day in Matched Forms:

Forms are auto-assigned from the day the participants are matched, plus the number of days you enter in the Starting Day field.

For example: If the participants are matched on 1st November and the number of days entered in the Starting Day field is 5, then the forms will be available from 6th November.

Ending Day in Matched Forms:

Forms are auto-closed from Starting Day, plus the number of days you enter in the Ending Day field.

For example: If the participants are matched on 1st November and the number of days entered in the Starting Day field is 5, and the number of days entered in the Ending Day field is 20, then the forms will be available from 6th November to 26th November.

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