But how are businesses retaining their top “virtual” employees? The culture and spirirt of an organization goes far beyond the physical space where your business is located. The skills of your company’s executives and employees are your most valuable assets, no matter where they office. Corporate mentoring programs provide a means of cultivating those skills throughout your organization. This translates into talent retention (instead of turnover), happier employees and management, and a healthier bottom line (among other things!).
Every company is unique and so are its mentoring needs, and that includes mentoring solutions for virtual employees. Virtual employees must be tech savvy. At the very least, they work from their devices and are comfortable working on-the-go. A mentoring program using technology may be just the right solution.
Your company’s virtual mentoring solution? MentoringComplete, a comprehensive, web-based solution that integrates interactive human elements of relationships with all the productivity and technical capability of the Internet. This combination creates an ideal mentoring relationship that ensures employees the best support network possible within your company.
Fostering a mentoring culture within your company or organization is important for ALL of your employees, including the virtual ones. The goal of MentoringComplete is to pair the right people to create the most effective mentoring team possible. Also, to provide people with the tools they use in their everyday work in the office and to integrate these tools with the important concept of mentoring.
You have found some amazing virtual talent. Combining a mentoring solution with technology may help you to retain that talent!